Benefits - Health and Welfare Plan


Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance

If you die, or are seriously injured in an accident while insured under the Plan, Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D) provides you and your family with some financial protection. Through this Benefit, you automatically receive coverage in the maximum amount of 3 times your annual salary to a maximum of $450,000. 

If you continue working after you turn 65, coverage is reduced by 50%, up to age 70, at which time coverage is no longer available.

Schedule of Losses and Benefits Payable
The Benefit payable under the AD&D plan depends on the nature of your Loss. For accidental Loss of life, the AD&D plan pays the full amount of your maximum coverage. However, a percentage of the maximum coverage amount is payable if you are accidentally injured and lose or permanently lose use ofÑa part of the body within one year of the accident.

Following are the Benefits the Plan provides:

  • Life

  • Both hands or both feet

  • Entire sight of both eyes

  • One hand and one foot

  • One hand and entire sight of one eye

  • One foot and entire sight of one eye

  • Speech and hearing

  • One arm or one leg

  • One hand or one foot

  • Entire sight of one eye

  • Speech or hearing

  • Thumb and index finger of one hand

  • Hearing in one ear

  • Quadriplegia (total paralysis of all four limbs)

  • Paraplegia (total paralysis of both lower limbs)

  • Hemiplegia (total paralysis of one arm and one leg on same side of body)

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 100%

  • 75% of the coverage amount

  • 66 2/3% of the coverage amount

  • 66 2/3% of the coverage amount

  • 50% of the coverage amount

  • 33 1/3% of the coverage amount

  • 16 2/3% of the coverage amount

  • 200%

  • 200%

  • 200%

Repatriation Benefit
In the event you sustain an accidental injury which results in Loss of life within 365 days of the accident, the Plan will pay the expenses incurred to prepare your body for burial or cremation and to return your body to your city of residence. The maximum payable under this Benefit is $15,000.

Rehabilitation Benefit
In the event that you sustain an accidental injury which requires you to change to an occupation which requires specialized training, the AD&D insurer will pay for these expenses. The maximum payable under this Benefit is $15,000.

Other Benefits
Under the AD&D insurance policy benefits are also provided to the spouse and children of a deceased member to assist in providing daycare, retraining and post secondary education.

Limitations and Exclusions
The Plan has various limitations and exclusions. Some examples of items generally excluded from coverage are:

  • injury or death as a result of self-inflicted injury, attempted suicide or suicide;

  • injury or death due to active service in the armed forces; or

  • injury or death as a result of air travel as a pilot or in an aircraft leased or operated by your Employer.

Termination of Benefits
AD&D coverage typically terminates at midnight on the day you cease to be an Employee or Regular Full-Time Employment ends.