Benefits - Health and Welfare Plan


Weekly Indemnity

Coverage Description
Should you be unable to perform your regular job because of a non-occupational accidental bodily injury or Illness,Weekly Indemnity (WI) will pay you a weekly Benefit during your absence. WI Benefits can be paid for a maximum period of 52 weeks during any one period of disability. 

The amount of your WI Benefit is the lesser of $1,200 or 66 2/3 % of your Average Weekly Earnings. This amount may be reduced by amounts payable from other sources.

When Weekly Indemnity Benefits Begin
Should you become Disabled, your WI Benefits will begin on the later of the following:

  • the 1st day of disability due to an accidental bodily injury; or

  • the 1st day of disability due to injury or Illness resulting in hospitalization; or

  • the 1st day of disability due to surgery which requires loss of time from work; or

  • for Illness or injury other than those outlined above, on the 6th calendar day of disability after you are first seen and treated by a Physician for the condition causing the disability.

Definition of Disabled
Disabled means the inability due to physical or mental illness or accidental bodily injury to perform the duties of one's own occupation. You will need to be under Regular Medical Care and supervision of a Physician.

Reimbursement to the Plan
If your injury or Illness is attributed to a third party, you will be required to pursue a claim against the third party, sign a reimbursement agreement and reimburse the Plan based on the results of your action against the third party. You are also required to sign a reimbursement agreement and reimburse the Plan where Benefits are extended to you, subject to claims you have made with ICBC or WCB.

WI Benefits can be paid for a maximum of 52 weeks during any one period of disability.

Integration with Other Income
WI Benefits will be reduced by any other disability income you may be entitled to receive, except Benefits from a disability insurance contract for which you pay the premiums personally. Examples of reductions to WI Benefits include:

  • the amount of any Benefits payable for the same disability under the Workers' Compensation Act or similar law;

  • any amount payable to you as a disability Benefit for the same disability under any other disability income Benefit from any employer;

  • any amount payable to you from the Interior Lumbermen's Pension Plan;

  • any compensation you may receive pursuant to any statute or regulation as a result of any legal action in which you are involved;

  • the amount of any other employment earnings; and

  • any income you may be entitled to receive through the Criminal Injury Compensation Act.

Once you begin to receive WI Benefits, if you have additional earnings from an approved rehabilitation program, your WI Benefit amount will be reduced by 50% of any rehabilitation earnings and any other employment earnings.

Recurrence of a Disability
If you return to Regular Full Time Employment for four or more consecutive weeks following a period where you were receiving WI Benefits, but then experience another period of disability due to the same or a related cause, it shall be considered a new period of disability requiring a new WI claim with a new waiting period and a new maximum period of Benefits. 

If you return to Regular Full Time Employment with your Employer for less than four consecutive weeks following a period where you were receiving WI Benefits, but then experience another period of disability due to the same or a related cause, it will be considered a continuation of the previous claim.

Limitations and Exclusions
The Plan has various limitations and exclusions. Some examples of items generally excluded from coverage are:

  • disability absences due to drug or alcohol addiction (unless you are participating in an approved treatment program);

  • disability absences as a result of self-inflicted injury, committing an unlawful act, or any act of war;

  • disability absences as a result of or related to occupational injury or Illness;

  • any period of formal pregnancy leave;

  • while the Employee is on vacation, break-up or leave of absence; 
    If you have any questions regarding coverage, we recommend that you check with the Administration Office.

Termination of Coverage
WI coverage typically terminates at the end of your working hours on the day you cease to be an Employee or in which Regular Full-Time Employment ends with your participating employer.

Termination of Benefits
WI Benefit payments generally continue until the earliest of the following:

  • the day you cease to be Disabled;

  • the day you fail to provide requested written proof of disability;

  • the day you cease to be under Regular Medical Care;

  • the day you refuse to consent to or cease to participate in an approved rehabilitation, education or training program;

  • the day you complete an approved rehabilitation, education or training program;

  • the first day of the month coincident with or next following your 65th birthday; or

  • the day of your death.

FIA Disclosure

The Interior Lumbermen's Health and Welfare Plan exists for the sole purpose of providing employee life and health benefits to eligible members and their covered dependents. The Plan is not an insurance company, and the extended health, dental, weekly indemnity and long-term disability benefits provided through the Plan are not insured by an insurance company regulated under the British Columbia Financial Institutions Act or the Alberta Insurance Act  The Plan is exempt from the regulatory requirements of both these statutes.